Tuesday, November 26, 2019

When God Does Not Answer Prayers, Try These Three Helpful Methods

Cheng Shi

Brothers and sisters:

Peace to you in the Lord! Praying is an important way for us Christians to establish a normal relationship with God. This is especially the case during the morning and at night. That is why learning how to pray is extremely important. However, many brothers and sisters feel perplexed: Every single day, we pray both in the morning and at night; we also pray before we eat and after we finish eating as well as when we have gatherings; furthermore, each time we pray, we say a lot to the Lord and pray for a long time. However, we always feel as if God is not there; it feels as if we are just talking to ourselves when we pray, and our spirit does not feel peace or joy. Why does God not listen to our prayers? How should we pray so that we can receive God’s praise?

Monday, November 25, 2019

God's words | Many Are Called, but Few Are Chosen

God's Words | Many Are Called, but Few Are Chosen

I have sought many on earth to be My followers. Among all these followers, there are those who serve as priests, those who lead, those who are the sons of God, those who are the people of God, and those who do service. I class them based on the loyalty they show to Me. When all have been classified according to kind, that is, when the nature of each type of person has been made clear, I shall number each of them among their rightful category and place each kind into their fitting place, in order to achieve the aim of My salvation of mankind. In groups, I call those whom I wish to save to My house, and then cause all of them to accept My work of the last days. At the same time, I classify them according to kind, then reward or punish each one on the basis of their actions. Such are the steps that comprise My work.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Short Christian Play "Following Close By" | Story of Christians Standing Witness Through Persecution

Short Christian Play "Following Close By" | Story of Christians Standing Witness Through Persecution

Overcomers are those who stand witness,
keeping confidence and full devotion to God,
even when under Satan’s influence,
even though Satan holds them in siege by dark forces.
If you still maintain a heart of purity
and true love for God no matter what may be,
you are then standing witness in front of God,
you are what God Himself calls an overcomer.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

God's words | Who Are Incompatible With Christ Are Surely Opponents of God

God's Words | Who Are Incompatible With Christ Are Surely Opponents of God 

    All men wish to see the true countenance of Jesus, and all desire to be with Him. I do not think that any brother or sister would say that they do not wish to see or to be with Jesus. Before you have seen Jesus—before you have seen the incarnate God—you are likely to entertain all sorts of ideas, for example, about Jesus’ appearance, His way of speaking, His way of life, and so on. But once you have really seen Him, your ideas will swiftly change. Why is this? Do you wish to know? Man’s thinking cannot be overlooked, which is true—but more than that, the substance of Christ does not brook alteration by man. You think Christ an immortal or a sage, but no one considers Him a normal man possessed of divine substance. As such, many of those who yearn day and night to see God are actually enemies of God, and are incompatible with Him. Is this not a mistake on the part of man? Even now you still think that your belief and loyalty are enough to make you worthy of beholding the countenance of Christ, but I exhort you to equip yourselves with more things that are practical! For in the past, present, and future, many of those who come in contact with Christ have failed or will fail; they all play the role of the Pharisees. What is the reason for your failure? It is precisely because there is in your notions a God who is lofty and deserving of admiration. But the truth is not as man wishes. Not only is Christ not lofty, but He is particularly small; not only is He a man, but He is an ordinary man; not only can He not ascend to heaven, but He cannot even move about freely on earth. And this being so, people treat Him as they would an ordinary man; they treat Him casually when they are with Him, and speak to Him heedlessly, all the while still waiting for the coming of the “true Christ.” You take the Christ that has already come for an ordinary man, and His words for those of an ordinary man. For this reason, you have not received anything from Christ, and have instead completely exposed your own ugliness to the light.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Christian Reflection: I Struggle Against My Fate and Fail, but in My Failure, I Make a Discovery …

Christian Reflection: I Struggle Against My Fate and Fail, but in My Failure, I Make a Discovery …

By Pan Yun

My First Struggle Against Fate Ends in Failure
I Struggle for My Own Future Once Again and I End Up Feeling Battered and Bruised
In Whose Hands Rests the Course of My Fate?
The Battle Against Fate Is Waged for Fame and Gain
Pursuing the Truth and Performing One’s Duty Well Is the True Life

Thursday, November 21, 2019

What’s Most Important in Life? A King’s Last Words Provide Food for Thought

By Mo Yan

I happened to stumble on a story from history while on my phone one day—it was really inspiring for me, so I wanted to share it with others. The story goes like this: Alexander the Great was one of the most successful military commanders in history. He became very ill on his return journey from his victorious military campaign, and just as he was about to die, he shared his three last wishes with his generals. First, he wanted his physicians to carry his coffin back, and he wanted the road to the cemetery where his coffin was to be taken to be strewn with gold, silver, and precious stones. Lastly, he wanted both of his hands to be placed so they were outside of the coffin. Alexander explained that by doing so, he wished to impart three lessons upon the living. First, no matter how great a physician’s skill, they cannot save people’s lives; they cannot determine a person’s life and death. Second, it isn’t worth it to spend an entire life in the pursuit of wealth; it’s a waste of precious time. And finally, each one of us comes into this world empty-handed, and we will leave empty-handed. We can’t take a single thing with us.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

2019 English Christian Hymn With Lyrics | "Around the Throne, Dance Around"

2019 English Christian Hymn With Lyrics | "Around the Throne, Dance Around"

Verse 1
Christ of the last days has now appeared,
the kingdom of heaven has come to earth.
God become flesh speaks truth, opening the scroll,
this is the Word appearing in the flesh.