Sunday, September 2, 2018

4 Tips to Establish Good Interpersonal Relationships

   Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God , Christian life
The Picture of The Church of Almighty God 

4 Tips to Establish Good Interpersonal Relationships

"1. We should not engage in life philosophies in our contact with others, but establish normal interpersonal relationships in conformity with the principles of the truth.

God says, ""When your relationship with God has become normal, then you will also have a normal relationship with people. … Be just and honorable when doing all things and make them presentable before God."" ""Whenever you do or say anything, you must put your heart right, be righteous, and not be led by your emotions, or act according to your own will. These are the principles by which believers in God conduct themselves.""

   Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God ,  Christian life
The Picture of The Church of Almighty God 

2. We should possess normal humanity and be able to love, respect, understand, tolerate and exercise patience with one another.

The Lord Jesus said, ""A new commandment I give to you, That you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another"" (John 13:34).

God says, ""Whether you have truly renounced the flesh, depends on whether you are prejudiced toward your brothers and sisters, and on whether, if you are, you can push such prejudices aside. … you will not loathe them, despise them, make fun of them, or give them the cold shoulder. If you are able to be of service to them, you will commune with them….""

   Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God ,  Christian
The Picture of The Church of Almighty God 
3. We should seek to be honest, and be able to open up and speak from our hearts.

God’s says, ""If the brothers and sisters are to be able to confide in each other, help each other out, and provide for one another when they are together, then each person must speak of their own true experiences. If you don’t talk of your own true experiences, and only speak high-sounding words, and words that are doctrinal and superficial, then you are not honest, and you are incapable of being honest. … If people have no verbal or spiritual communication, there is no possibility of intimacy between them, and they can’t provide to each other or help one another.""

4. We should treat others correctly—neither thinking too highly of them nor disparaging them, but being able to treat them both fairly and impartially.

God’s says, ""You cannot treat your brothers and sisters in the same way as the unbelievers treat others; you must treat them fairly and reasonably. You cannot be close to this one, but not that one; you cannot form cliques or collude with others; you cannot bully someone because you have taken a dislike to them, and fawn on those who are strong—this is what is meant by this principle. You must be principled in the way you deal with other people; you must treat them all fairly.""

 Recommendation: The Christians of The Church of Almighty God pray to the name of Almighty God
The Eastern Lightning is the manifestation of the Lord and His work.

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