Friday, May 4, 2018

Film Review: Seventeen? The Hell You Are!—A Special Present for His Life

Film Review: Seventeen? The Hell You Are!—A Special Present for His Life | Eastern Lightning 

✿✨✿✨✿✨✿✨✿✨✿✨✿✨✿✨✿✨   By Yinuo, Japan ✨✿✨✿✨✿✨✿✨✿✨✿✨✿✨✿✨ 

    The movie “Seventeen? The Hell You Are!” is another documentary recounting the Chinese Communist Party’s cruel persecutions of Christians. The experience of the hero is so true and moving that I like this movie and shed tears several times. In the film, we can see not only that the CCP uses cruel and inhumane tortures on Christians, but also the true growth process of a young Christian’s life. He is like a young pine tree, which withstands the chill of winter, and flourishes in the warmth of springtime.This movie, though without many artistic techniques, is based on a good and touching story:

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Question 20: It’s written right there in the Bible: “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever” (Heb 13:8). So the name of the Lord never changes! But you say that when the Lord comes again in the last days He will take a new name and will be called Almighty God. How do you explain it?

Question 20: It’s written right there in the Bible: “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever” (Heb 13:8). So the name of the Lord never changes! But you say that when the Lord comes again in the last days He will take a new name and will be called Almighty God. How do you explain it?

Answer: Ever since we started believing in the Lord Jesus, we began to pray and to heal disease and cast out demons in His name. Also, because of His name, we gained peace and blessings, and moreover because of His name we gained countless graces.That is why the name of the Lord Jesus has been deeply imprinted on our hearts and we also treasure His name very much, just like how the people of Israel treasured the name of Jehovah. Accordingly, when some brothers and sisters hear that the Lord has already returned in the flesh as Almighty God, they are unable to accept it, saying: “It says in Acts 4:12:

Are Almighty God and the Lord Jesus One God?

 Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almaighty God ,God Himself
picture of the Church of Almighty God | Lord Jesus 

Are Almighty God and the Lord Jesus One God?

   When mankind was corrupted by Satan, God began His management plan for the salvation of mankind. God has carried out three stages of work for the salvation of mankind. During the Age of Law, Jehovah God issued the laws and guided the life of mankind, making people know that they should worship God, and making them know what sin is. But with the arrival of the final stages of the Age of Law, mankind’s corruption became ever more profound, and people often violated the laws and sinned against Jehovah.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

I. One Must Bear Witness to the Aspect of Truth Concerning God’s Incarnation | 1. The Lord Jesus Himself prophesied that God would incarnate in the last days and appear as the Son of man to do work.

 Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almaighty God , incarnation
picture of the Church of Almighty God | Lord Jesus
I. One Must Bear Witness to the Aspect of Truth Concerning God’s Incarnation | 1. The Lord Jesus Himself prophesied that God would incarnate in the last days and appear as the Son of man to do work. | Eastern Lightning

 Bible Verses for Reference:

“Be you therefore ready also: for the Son of man comes at an hour when you think not” (Luk 12:40).
For as the lightning, that lightens out of the one part under heaven, shines to the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day. But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation” (Luk 17:24-25).

Witnesses for Christ of the Last Days(The Twenty Truths of Bearing Witness to God )| XII. One Must Fellowship Clearly the Aspect of Truth Concerning the Wise Virgins Hearing the Voice of God (一)

 Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almaighty God,  Almaighty God's Word

picture of the Church of Almighty God  |  Words of God

1. How exactly should one discern the voice of God? How can one confirm that Almighty God is indeed the Lord Jesus returned?

Bible Verses for Reference:
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” (Jhn 10:27).
I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come” (Jhn 16:12-13).

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

🎵🎺 The Church of Almighty God | Hymns | "I Am Walking on the Road to the Kingdom ”

Smiley face

The Church of Almighty God | Hymns "I Am Walking on the Road to the Kingdom ”

I Am Walking on the Road
to the Kingdom

Documentary Trailer "The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything" | Reflections on Disaster | Eastern Lightning

Documentary Trailer "The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything" | Reflections on Disaster | Eastern Lightning

  Many people think that their fate is in their own hands. But when disaster comes, all we feel is helplessness, fear, and horror, and we sense our insignificance and the fragility of life…. Who is our only salvation? The Christian musical documentary—The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything—will soon reveal the answer!