Sunday, May 5, 2019

2019 Full Christian Movie "The People of the Heavenly Kingdom" | An Inspirational True Story

2019 Full Christian Movie "The People of the Heavenly Kingdom" | An Inspirational True Story

The Lord Jesus said, "Truly I say to you, Except you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 18:3). The Lord Jesus told us that only honest people can enter the kingdom of heaven; only honest people can be people of the kingdom. This movie tells the story of the Christian Cheng Nuo's experience of God's work and the course of her pursuit to become an honest person in life.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

2019 Christian Gospel Song | "Obey the Work of the Spirit to Follow to the End"

2019 Christian Gospel Song | "Obey the Work of the Spirit to Follow to the End"

The Holy Spirit’s work changes day to day,
higher step by step with greater revelations.
This is how God works to perfect mankind.
If man cannot keep up, he may be left behind.

2019 Beautiful Praise and Worship Song | "The Life of Man Cannot Be Without God's Sovereignty"

2019 Beautiful Praise and Worship Song | "The Life of Man Cannot Be Without God's Sovereignty"

Not a thing, not a man can be without
the rule, the sovereignty of God.
Man’s life or life in flesh would be no more
without God’s rule and provisions.

Friday, May 3, 2019

2019 Christian Gospel Song With Lyrics | "Christ of the Last Days Has Brought the Age of Kingdom"

2019 Christian Gospel Song With Lyrics | "Christ of the Last Days Has Brought the Age of Kingdom"

When Jesus came to the world of man, He ended the Age of Law, and He brought the Age of Grace.
In the last days God became flesh once more,
He ended the Age of Grace and He brought the Age of Kingdom.
Those who accept the second incarnation of God
will be led to the Kingdom Age and accept God’s guidance.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

FOB Spotlight: The Persecution of The Church of Almighty God in China

Apr 18, 2019

On February 4, 2019, the European Federation for Freedom of Belief (FOB) held a conference in Florence, Italy to promote its most recent publication: Law and Freedom of Belief in Europe: an arduous journey. This book is an exploration of how to effectively protect the freedom of belief and religious freedoms of immigrants to Europe from across the world through legal means. This includes the situation of religious persecution in China and the issue of refugees belonging to The Church of Almighty God (CAG) who fled China due to religious persecution. Riccardo Migliori, Past President of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), introduced the book to our reporter before the conference.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

If Eastern Lightning Is the True Way, Why Is It Oppressed?

Apr 12, 2019

Hello, brothers and sisters of Spiritual Q&A,

I’ve been looking into the way of Eastern Lightning for some time now. By reading Almighty God’s words and watching The Church of Almighty God’s gospel films and videos, I’ve learned about the purpose of God’s three stages of work, the mysteries of God’s incarnations, the significance of God taking on a different name in each age, the inside story of the Bible, what a wise virgin is and what a foolish virgin is, what truly being raptured is, how God’s judgment of the last days cleanses, transforms, and perfects people, plus what people’s destinations and outcomes will be. I’ve come to understand so many truths I never did before and my faith and love for God have been restored. I’ve had a lot of spiritual enjoyment. I’ve seen that Almighty God’s words are the truth; they possess authority and might and couldn’t be uttered by a human being. They are utterances that come from the Holy Spirit. I feel that Eastern Lightning must be the true way. However, some of the pastors and elders in religious circles say that if it were the true way, why would it be so suppressed, persecuted, and condemned by the CCP? I’m not clear on this and want to do more seeking.
Yang Guang

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Studying Eastern Lightning and Welcoming the Return of the Lord (Part 2)

Studying Eastern Lightning and Welcoming the Return of the Lord (Part 2)

Apr 11, 2019
By Jianchi, Taiwan

Why Has God Become Flesh to Perform His Work in the Last Days?

The brother went on, saying, “So then, why does the Lord have to appear and work in the flesh when He returns in the last days, and not appear and work directly in the resurrected spiritual body? In the Age of Grace, the Lord Jesus performed the work of redemption. Though our sins have been forgiven, our sinful nature remains deeply rooted within us, we are filled with such satanic dispositions as arrogance and conceit, selfishness and meanness and wickedness and deceitfulness, and we are still capable of involuntarily sinning and resisting God.